Friday, November 14, 2008


I'm so busy today that taking the time to post something defies all logic, but I want to get back in the habit of submitting something daily so I'm going to do it anyway.

I think the reality of the move finally started to hit me on Wednesday when I had my last ever mid-week practice with the worship band at Harbor of Hope. Now the coming events seem very weird and I'm starting to feel sad about leaving my friends and family.

At the same time, the reality of the good things is starting to hit me too. An amazing road trip, a new, bigger apartment with a pool and fitness room, an exciting new job, and most of all, a totally new world to explore and get to know. 

I've always known, rationally, that this experience should be bittersweet. It's finally beginning to feel that way.

1 comment:

Lembkes said...

Thanks for posting. I will be praying for an easy transition to your new place.